Ongoing Care Programs.

Learn more about each of our Ongoing Care Programs below!


Parenting Class

Parents-to-be often have questions about how to best prepare and care for their little one, as well as how they will provide all the things a new baby needs. Women’s Pregnancy Center’s Parenting Program teaches expectant moms and dads what to anticipate during pregnancy, labor, delivery, and beyond.


Post-Abortion Support

Have you experienced an abortion? You are not alone. Perhaps you saw abortion as the solution to your unplanned pregnancy, yet instead of relief, you are experiencing the opposite. We offer a confidential, faith-based study where group members are able to support and encourage each woman on this journey.


Adoption Support

Through Women’s Pregnancy Center, we provide adoption support to expectant mothers. WPC is not an adoption agency, instead we have trained adoption advocates who will walk a birth mother through their adoption plan, continuing to support her during pregnancy, birth and even postpartum. We support you as you make these important decisions.